How To Cancel Your ESPN Plus Subscription With Ease In 2023 (Quick Guide)


You may be thinking, “Can I cancel ESPN Plus subscription in UK?” The answer is “Yes”. The procedure is pretty simple but to cancel ESPN Plus in UK differs depending on the device you use and the method you were billed through.

One of the best streaming services, ESPN Plus has the latest sports news, original content, best shows, documentaries, etc. Man in the Arena: Tom Brady (2021), Basketball: A Love Story (2018), and Bettor Days (2020) are some of the best shows on ESPN Plus. You can also access other sports content such as Big 12 Men’s Tournament 2023, Tony Yoka vs Carlos Takam, UFC Ricardo Ramos vs AustinLingo, UFC Jon Jones VS Ciryl Gane, and many more with ESPN Plus.

With a VPN, you can unblock geo-restrictions and watch ESPN+ in UK. ESPN Plus doesn’t offer refunds after cancellation, but you can stream until your subscription is deactivated or your free trial ends.

This guide includes steps to cancel ESPN Plus UK on any device. Let’s begin.

How To Cancel ESPN Plus in UK On Different Devices

Looking for ways to cancel ESPN plus in UK? Well, we aren’t sure which device you’re currently using, so we have covered all the devices and steps to cancel ESPN plus. Choose the one and learn the steps to termination your subscription.


How to Cancel ESPN Plus in UK on a Web Browser

Cancel your ESPN Plus subscription in UK using these methods with minimal effort.

  1. To access your account, go to and log in using the login credentials you created when you first signed up for ESPN+.
  2. Select your profile icon.
  3. Click on ‘Manage My ESPN+ Subscription’ from the drop-down menu.
  4. Next to your ESPN+ subscription card, tap on ‘Manage.’
  5.  Select ‘Cancel Subscription’ from the drop-down menu.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm cancellation.

How To Cancel Your ESPN+ Subscription Via Phone Call

Canceling your subscription can be done by calling ESPN’s customer support at 1-800 -727 1800. There is no hidden trick here; it happens right in the Subscriber Agreement (Note: they don’t give refunds, so keep that in mind).

How do I cancel my ESPN+ on the Roku website?

You can cancel ESPN plus in UK at any time using the Roku website.

  1. Use your computer or mobile device to navigate to
  2. Select Subscriptions Management.
  3. When the My subscriptions page loads, you can view the terms and renewal date for each Roku-billed subscription.
  4. To stop your ESPN+ service, click the Unsubscribe button to your account settings.
  5. When prompted, please confirm that you want to cancel.

How to cancel ESPN+ on Android in UK

Follow the instructions below if you’re looking for the steps to cancel ESPN+ on android in UK.

  1. On your Android device, go to your Google Play Store and open it.
  2. Select Subscriptions from the drop-down menu in the upper left corner.
  3. All of your existing subscriptions should now be visible. From the list, choose ESPN+.
  4. To stop your subscription and terminate payments, select Cancel Subscription.

How to cancel ESPN+ on an iPhone or iPad in UK

Customers who signed up for ESPN+ on an iOS device in UK can cancel the service similarly. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Go to the App Store on your iOS device, and open the Settings app.
  2. To access your Apple ID settings, go to your name in the upper right corner of iCloud and then click Account Settings.
  3. Select Subscriptions from the top of your profile.
  4. You should now see your current subscriptions on Apple with the new window. Select ESPN+ to continue your cancellation process.
  5. Confirm that this is what you want to do by clicking Cancel Subscription and confirming the selection.

How to cancel ESPN+ through iTunes in the UK

You can cancel ESPN+ subscription through iTunes app on your computer at any time if you signed up for ESPN+ through iTunes.

  1. Open iTunes on your computer.
  2. Click Account > View My Account.
  3. Find Settings on the Account Details page.
  4. Find the Subscriptions section and click Manage.
  5. In the list of services, select ESPN+ and then select the Edit button for your subscription.
  6. To terminate your subscription, select Cancel Subscription. (Note: Switching to a different ESPN+ plan is another option for managing your subscription.)

Note: To cancel a subscription, users located in UK must first download ExpressVPN and connect to a server located in the United States.

How to cancel ESPN Plus on Fire TV in UK

If you subscribe to ESPN Plus through Amazon or Fire TV, you can only cancel your subscription by visiting the Amazon website. To accomplish that, follow these steps:

  • Open your preferred web browser, navigate Amazon’s website and sign in.
  • Select ESPN+ from the list of your subscriptions, then go to the Actions menu.
  • Select the subscription you wish to cancel and tap the Cancel button.

If you’re looking for the best sports VOD channel after cancelling your ESPN Plus subscription, there are plenty of great alternatives to consider, including BT Sports.

How to cancel ESPN Plus UK on Amazon

If you have ESPN+ subscription to an Amazon account, you can cancel your subscription at any time from the Amazon site. Just follow the steps below;

  1. Open the Amazon site using a computer or mobile device.
  2. Sign into your Amazon account now.
  3. Choose Plays from your ESPN+ library.
  4. You can cancel your subscription at any time by visiting that page.
  5. Please verify your cancellation when prompted.

What are the Other Alternatives of ESPN+ in UK?

ESPN Plus is ideal for cord-cutters who are interested in sports because of its extensive coverage of live sporting events. Live broadcasts of MLB, MLS, NHL, NBA, Bundesliga, EPL, La Liga, and the upcoming 2022 FIFA World Cup are all available.

On the other hand, if you’ve decided to cancel your ESPN+ subscription, consider these alternatives:

CBS Sports
Yahoo Sports
NBC Sports
Fox Sports
NBA League Pass

FAQs – Cancel ESPN plus in UK

Yes, you can ESPN plus UK at any time on any device but you resume watching till the end of the billing cycle

Yes, you can cancel ESPN plus in UK but you won’t get a refund. However, you can resume watching till the end of the billing month,

No, there is no cancellation fee. It’s totally free and you can cancel anytime on any device.

You may terminate your ESPN Plus subscription at any time prior to the end of the current billing period or before the 7-day free trial ends.

Activate ESPN Plus again on any of your devices.

The steps for doing so on an iPhone are as follows:

  1. Fire up the ESPN Plus app on your iPhone.
  2. Put in your login information.
  3. In the upper right corner, click on the settings.
  4. Select ESPN+ from the menu, then tap Subscribe and then select Restore.
  5. Select Create Account to finish creating your account.

ESPN Plus does not offer a pausing feature for its paid memberships at this time. However, customers who have previously cancelled their subscriptions can resume service.

Wrapping Up!

Roll up your sleeves, it’s time to cancel ESPN plus in UK with the easy guide mentioned above. By following this quick guide, you can easily unsubscribe from your ESPN+ membership without any difficulty, but if you’re thinking of changing your ESPN Plus subscription plan, choose the subscription plan first and go on.

We hope you find this tutorial useful in learning how to cancel your ESPN+ subscription with ease in 2023.